Breakout Sessions

Breakout Sessions

Our Amazing Breakout Sessions

Durenda Wilson

Durenda Wilson

Sustainable Homeschooling

We all begin our homeschool journey with high hopes, but it often doesn’t take long before we realize that some things simply are not working. We find ourselves and/or our kids in burnout mode. At the same time, we are confronted with the fear that we may somehow fail our children if we let go of something. Learn the importance of creating a sustainable homeschooling life unique to your family, bring joy back into your homeschool days, and help equip you to go the distance! 

Durenda Wilson

With more than twenty-seven years of home education experience, Durenda Wilson is a trusted voice and resource at homeschooling conventions and on The Durenda Wilson Podcast.

Durenda and her husband, Darryl, have eight kids (7 graduated) and nine grandchildren. As an author, speaker, and podcaster her greatest joy is reminding parents how doable and effective homeschooling is and that they are, in fact, qualified for the job! Her books include The Four Hour School Day, The Unhurried Homeschooler, and Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart.



The F.E.A.S.T. Charlotte Mason Method

We spread an abundant and delicate feast in the programmes and each small guest assimilates what he can.” (Charlotte Mason, Vol. 6, p. 183) Charlotte Mason states that a child’s mind must be fed a consistent diet of living ideas in order to grow intellectually in the same way a child’s body needs nourishing food for proper development.  She proposed that the role of the educator is to consistently prepare this abundant and rich feast.  In this 101 workshop, you will be given an overview of Charlotte Mason’s foundational principles, leaving you inspired to create an educational feast for your family.  Come whet your appetite and see how this Victorian educational pioneer can transform your home school


Creator of A Gentle Feast and Homeschooling mom of 5. Julie H Ross believes that every child needs a feast of living ideas to grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. As a former school teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and Assistant Director of a Homeschool Academy, Julie Ross has worked with hundreds of students and parents over the past 20 years. She has also been homeschooling her own five children for over fifteen years. Julie Ross developed the Charlotte Mason curriculum, A Gentle Feast, to provide parents with the tools and resources needed to provide a rich and abundant educational feast full of books, beauty, and Biblical truth. Julie lives in South Carolina with her five children. When she’s not busy homeschooling, reading children’s books, hiking, or writing curriculum, you can find her taking a nap.

Amy Hughes

Amy Hughes

Exploring Nature

Children need fresh air. They need to run and play. They need to experience the natural world. And so do we. Learn why we need to explore nature with our children as a part of their education, as well as their emotional and mental health. Learn how to get out and explore every single week. 


Charlotte Mason And Unschooling

Charlotte Mason said that education is “an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.” Unschooling pioneer John Holt claimed that education was most effective when it was simply thought of as the child’s life and atmosphere. Can you embrace child-led, organic learning while also embracing the CM call to living books, nature, art, and narration?  Yes, you absolutely can. Learn the connection between the Charlotte Mason philosophy and unschooling and how to have the best of both worlds in your home. 

Amy Hughes

Amy is a writer and speaker from the central coast. She has 9 kids and has been homeschooling/unschooling for 16 years. Amy is a contributor to Wild + Free, a homeschooling and parent coach, and the queen of awkward silences.

Nathan Herzog

Nathan Herzog

Creating an Effective Learning Environment at Home

Learning at home can be stressful! Do you feel the challenges associated with being the Parent-Educator? Where does the parenting end and the teaching begin? This breakout session is on creating an effective learning environment at home. We will discuss some tips and strategies to help establish a conducive home learning environment for your students. We will touch on Pedagogy, lesson planning, setting a daily schedule, boundaries, hands-on, experiential learning (field trips and vendors), and flexibility and how each applies uniquely to the home environment.

Nathan Herzog

Ph.D., Dean of School of Education at Jessup University – Nathan believes that the purpose of education should be to equip graduates to reach with compassion, teach with excellence, and learn for a lifetime. He has expertise in Faculty Development and Educational Leadership; Faculty Satisfaction and Retention; Math and Science Curriculum and Instruction; Multicultural Education and Structurally Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE); State of California Teaching Performance Assessments; State and Federal laws pertaining to Education; and Character and Leadership Development for Teachers.

James Rogers

James Rogers

Defeating the Enemies of an Encouraging Family

Whether times are difficult or things are strong, we can all learn how to grow in encouragement. And there are always enemies to your encouragement. Defeat the enemies that are causing you and your family to become discouraged and disconnected. 

James Rogers

 James is a graduate of Jessup University and an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist who has worked with youth and families for the last 10 years in a variety of settings, ranging from schools, community organizations, and mental health services. James is passionate about his work with families and is ready to come alongside you as you take your next step toward healing and growth.
       Through working with resilient people from all walks of life James has developed a greater appreciation for everyone’s therapeutic journey. Whether your teen is experiencing big changes in their lives such as divorce, major transitions or emotional and behavioral difficulties, James has the tools and skills to help them thrive. In addition, he also works with parents on improving parenting and decreasing conflict to stay connected.

Kody Hanner

Kody Hanner

Teaching Homesteading for Lifelong Self-Sufficiency

With so many people embracing a self-sufficient lifestyle, we are looking for ways to include our children. Join Kody Hanner in an informative and inspiring talk on how to teach your kids to homestead for lifelong self-sufficiency. Don’t miss out on ways to approach every hands-on learning opportunity through the scientific method using advanced problem-solving skills.

Kody Hanner

 Kody is a wife of a veteran, mother of 6, homesteader, and homeschooler, that has devoted her life to agriculture and embracing rural living. As a Northern California native and Chico State Alum, she is excited to be a part of NCHC 2023 event.

Let’s Read!

Chandra Rounghton

Chandra Rounghton

Understanding the Five Key Elements Necessary to Effectively Teach Young Children How to Read
(TK – 2nd Grade)

Join master educator, Chandra, as she shares a simplified version of five key components necessary to effectively teach young children to read. No matter what curriculum you choose we’ll explore, discuss and learn about what matters and what works in early literacy instruction. Learn researched-based practices in teaching young children how to read and activities you can incorporate at home to accelerate reading proficiency.

Chandra Rounghton

Luminous Minds was founded and created by (Mr. Chandra), a passionate educator/teacher and life long learner for over 24 years. Ms. Chandra has been inspiring, educating, and effectively teaching children throughout her entire career. Many know her as being a change agent and advocate for what is best for kids. Early on, she began her career as a classroom teacher, proudly serving Title 1 schools, consistently supporting the notion that in education one size doesn’t fit all, promoting differentiated instruction based on her students’ individual needs. Chandra was the first teacher to show up to work, and the last one to leave. Her scholars consistently produced some of the highest academic scores in the district/schools that she served. More importantly, her students adored her. She made learning fun and seemed to understand that all children learn in unique and different ways.

Chandra became a lifelong learner herself, fascinated by the neuroscience and research on how the human brain learns. Using this knowledge throughout her career, she evolved into a variety of leadership, coaching, and curriculum development positions centered around best practices to teach children.

Chandra graduated from Fresno State with a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration. She continues to lead teacher development training’s and parent workshop’s to help other educators and parents improve their practice and learn about evidence based practices incorporating the elements and findings in the Science of Reading. She has worked tirelessly to close the existing achievement gaps in our educational system, all for the benefit of ensuring all children receive the high-quality education they deserve.


Shannon Herrick

Shannon Herrick

All senses: engage!

Let’s discover what happens when learning escapes the boundaries of “school time,” and becomes part of how we interact with the world and each other. We’ll explore a not-so-typical Typical Day, bringing math to life in stories and games, and how rest and play are essential components of a lifelong love of learning. 

Shannon Herrick

Is an artist and adventurer in southern VT, holding a BA in Photography from Cal State East Bay. She has enjoyed teaching photography and fiber arts to students from ages 5-85 over the last two decades. Her most rewarding and magical time in education, however, was probably her son’s early learning when they homeschooled with the Oak Meadow curriculum, and it’s what drew her to become part of the OM admissions team in 2018. When she’s not at Oak Meadow supporting families in finding the best fit to meet their homeschooling goals, you can probably find her communing with her pack of loveable, ornery goats, or finding her way through the woods on skis, wheels, or her own two feet. 

Erin Cox

Erin Cox

What does it mean to be “Gentle AND Classical?”

Have you felt trapped between educational worlds, “academically homeless” and somehow judged for not being completely devoted to one paradigm? Maybe feeling like you aren’t “Charlotte Mason enough” or “classical enough…” You aren’t alone my friend! There are more eclectic homeschooling moms than you might think – those who love to “taste and see” all there is available so they can curate a genuinely unique and personalized home education environment for their family. Come see how one homeschool mom of four brings the best that Charlotte Mason, classical education, and unit studies have to offer together for her own family.  

Theology in the Preschool years – what the what?


Christ called us to come to him as little children while scripture also admonishes us to have an answer for our faith. There are no age limitations on the power of the Holy Spirit, salvation, or the ability to spread the Gospel. Our youngest learners are more thoughtful, more engaged, and more faithful than we might imagine. So how do we bring the huge ideas of theology and the endless thoughts of God to a level where little hearts and minds can grab hold and grow in faithfulness? Let’s explore that together!

Erin Cox

Erin is a joy-chasing homeschool mama to 4 babies, ages young adult down to elementary. She married her grade-school sweetheart over 20 years ago, and lives to love him well. Erin writes about homeschooling, taking hard moments captive for Christ, and loving her family well at Life, Abundantly. She is the author of multiple early-years Charlotte Mason and Classically-inspired programs at The Gentle + Classical Press and is the Founding Editor in Chief of On Mission, a quarterly culture-focused geography magazine. You can find her on Instagram @lifeabundantly_blog and @gentle_classical_press

Carrie De Francisco

Carrie De Francisco

Homeschool Hacks & Hindsight

If given the opportunity, Carrie would sit down with her younger self and give her some advice! In this session, Carrie shares several homeschool hacks and four important lessons she has learned after 20+ years of homeschooling. She shares advice and hindsight that she wished she would have known before starting this homeschooling journey and what she has learned along the way.


Let’s Get Loopy: Morning Time

Do you have a “When we have time, we will get to that” pile? In all honesty, do you ever really have time to get that pile? It is time to finally get to that pile without overloading your already busy schedule! Adding a few loops to your schedule will make you loopy with joy!

In this session, Carrie shares how to use a looping schedule to easily get to that “When we have time” pile. Using a loop schedule will help you finally include in your studies the beautiful things that feed your child’s mind and soul, whatever those subjects might be.

Carrie De Francisco

 Carrie is the host of the popular podcast Coffee with Carrie Homeschool help, speaker, author of several books including, Just Breathe (and Take a Sip of Coffee): Homeschool in Step with God, and a Wild + Free contributor.

Carrie believes if God is calling you to homeschool, you can do it! Through her consulting services, books and podcast she helps moms to simplify their homeschooling one step at a time, one day at a time, and one cup of coffee at a time. After 20 years of homeschooling, Carrie appreciates the gift of laughter (and her quiet time with her Bible and favorite cup of coffee).

Originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, Carrie now lives and learns in Southern California with her husband, her two homeschool graduates, and their introverted dog. Connect with Carrier at or by email at

Amanda Weaver

Amanda Weaver

Truth, beauty, and the trivium

“God has woven truth, beauty, and goodness into every subject. As parents, we have the privilege of coming alongside our children and drawing out those qualities and discovering more about our Creator together. The ancient model of classical education has made a comeback and is bringing with it a new wave of home educators yearning to find a better way to come alongside their children in their natural stage of learning. Classical education is a timeless way of immersing ourselves in the arts of learning and walking through the stages of the trivium. Come learn more about classical education, the trivium, and how you can implement this in your home or community.

Amanda Weaver

Amanda has been educating her four children classically, with a side of Charlotte Mason’s philosophies, for over six years. She has found richness and beauty in learning as a family, and during each season grows alongside them. She has a passion for Jesus, her family, spending time in God’s creation, and sharing her love of home education with others.  

Kerin Groves, PhD

Kerin Groves, PhD

Career Exploration for Students: A Parent’s Roadmap

Will your kids be prepared for life after graduation? As a parent educator, you are their career guidance navigator. Students of all ages, including littles and middles, can engage in proactive (and fun!) career exploration that begins early and is seamlessly embedded in any academic curriculum. In this presentation, career coach Dr. Kerin Groves discusses common but avoidable mistakes in future planning, and provides attendees with positive and practical tips, dos and don’ts, savvy strategies, and relevant resources. Parent educators will learn to identify and build on a student’s natural gifts, think beyond high school, and intentionally weave career guidance into K-12 education and everyday home life.

Kerin Groves, PhD

Kerin is a career coach, consultant, and educator. Her coaching clients include young adults, entrepreneurs, small business owners, mid-life career changers, and restless wanderers. She teaches career development classes and workshops and is the author of “Career Exploration for K-12 Students.” 

 Dena Bless

Dena Bless

Tips and Tricks for Homeschooling on a Budget

We often get asked if it’s possible to privately homeschool in California, with it being such an expensive state. The short answer is “Yes!” We’ll go over some ideas and helps of how to make home educating work, even on a small budget. We’ll also touch on some strategies for talking to your students about money and training them to handle it wisely.  


Homeschool High School? Yes! You Can!

High school is different, but very doable!  We will talk about the basics you need to know, including setting graduation requirements, designing a plan that’s right for your student, naming your courses and creating descriptions, and determining the number of credits to award.  Come be encouraged that you can do it!

Dena Bless

Dena has been married for over 25 years and homeschooled both their daughters all the way through high school graduation. Dena hopes that her experiences can be used to encourage and support others. When her first daughter was born, people began immediately asking if they were going to homeschool. Dena likes to say that her reply was always, “Well, it depends on who you ask. My husband or the one who will have to actually do it!” Before long, however, they were both convinced that this was the plan God had for their family, and what started as a year-to-year commitment soon became a lifelong journey. Now, their older daughter has graduated from college and their younger one is a junior at Grand Canyon University. In addition, Dena serves as the Events Manager with CHEA (Christian Home Educators Association) of CA; she and her husband, Ed, are the Bay Area/Nor Cal RABs; and Dena is the leader of the PSP she belonged to for several years as the previous leader recently retired. Having a heart for
families and being sold out to the benefits of private, Christian home education, she is excited to support and mentor others in any way possible.

Sara Greco

Sara Greco

Homeschool with a Charter

Charter Schools offer many opportunities for families of TK-High School students who want to homeschool.  Learn about the benefits of homeschooling with these schools and how to weigh the pros and cons of joining these types of programs.

Sara Greco

Sara is a homeschool parent of six kids. She and her husband have been married for almost 19 years and have graduated one student so far. All of their kids have experienced a variety of schooling methods over the years, from local neighborhood schools to private homeschooling. Sara has worked for a homeschool charter school for the past six years and is very grateful for the many options available to students and families in the greater Sacramento area. Education is not a one size fits all system and is happy to help families brainstorm and find a good fit for their students’ needs.

Understanding the Benefits of Arts for the Student:

Rev Bowen

Rev Bowen

Drawing, Painting, Clay Modeling, Recorder Flute, and Singing

This breakout session will explore the benefits of various artistic forms that can be woven into any homeschooling curriculum. Participants will hear about the “why-when-and-how” to best include these artistic processes in the daily and/or weekly rhythms for the student. Each artistic process has its own unique benefits for the student (and for the parent-teacher!); so the more we understand these, the more we can find the best ways to incorporate any or all of them. This session is presented by

Rev Bowen

 Before co-founding Homeschool Learning Solutions, Rev worked as a private school teacher for 22 years, teaching students in grades 1-8, as well as leading workshops and classes for adult parents and teachers.

Betsy Pierce

Betsy Pierce

Starting Your Homeschool Year on Strong Footing

Betsy Pierce, wife of FPM’s Nathan, is a seasoned homeschooling mother of eight children. Come and listen as she shares her valuable insights into getting your school year started off right. She will provide practical help on record keeping, organizing your school year, and even ideas for teaching older and younger students in the same house with a baby underfoot. Whether you are brand new to home education or have been on the journey for many years, Betsy will provide you with tried and true tips for laying a strong foundation that you can build on throughout your school year.

Betsy Pierce

Betsy is a second generation homeschool mom. She shares eight children with her husband, Nathan, all of whom they have homeschooled since birth. They met while at The Master’s College and moved to Placer County in 2004 when Nathan began his work at Family Protection Ministries. The whole family works toward the calling of protecting homeschooling. Betsy has been involved in many levels and types of leadership in the homeschool community over the years.

Private Home Education

Nathan Pierce

Nathan Pierce

How It Works And What We Must Do To Keep Our Freedoms

In this session you will gain a foundational understanding of the legalities of private home education. What is a private school affidavit and how do you file it?  What is the difference between public and private education programs, anyway? He will provide the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision about which is best for your family. Nathan will also let you know about some of the ways you can advocate to keep the homeschool freedoms we enjoy in California including writing a letter, making phone calls or scheduling a personal face-to-face meeting with your legislator. This session will also include an update on current legislation that may impact parental rights and private home education.

Nathan Pierce

Nathan began working at Family Protection Ministries (FPM) in 2002 and currently serves as the Executive Director. With over 20 years of experience, Nathan screens the hundreds of bills that pour into the California Legislature each year, closely watching for any that could harm our God-given freedoms as parents, and alerting parents to contact their legislators. He works behind the scenes at the State Capitol, meeting with legislators and staff as well as testifying in committees on behalf of homeschoolers. Nathan values the importance of evaluating all things from a biblical worldview and works every day to maintain that freedom. Nathan was homeschooled through high school and received a B.A. in Political Studies from The Master’s College. Nathan and his wife Betsy were married in 2004 and homeschool their 8 children.

Amy Sachs

Amy Sachs

Let’s play!

As homeschooling parents, our lives are full and many of us have lost our ability to pause, and just play, especially with our children. We arrange playdates and activities, but often what our children want is our time and simply to engage with us.  Play is not only vital to our relationship with our kids, it is an important ingredient in the learning process. Studies show that play promotes healthy brain development and can even be an effective tool in minimizing poor behavior.  This session will provide context for the importance of play and offer some simple ways to incorporate play into your school day.

Amy Sachs

Amy never dreamt she’d be a homeschool mom, at least not until the 2010 housing market crash that took her husband’s job, their home, forced them to downsize, and meant a change in schools for their daughter. It was then that the idea of homeschooling became a compelling option. She teamed up with her husband and took the leap, becoming her daughter’s primary educator, and fully invested in their local homeschooling community, as both a participant and a teacher. Today, Amy is so thankful for that market crash that changed the trajectory of her family’s life and has been teaching homeschoolers every since.  

Amy is co-founder and teacher at The Cottage, a homeschool enrichment program in Rocklin, for ages 4 to 12 years. She has a degree in Child Development from California State University, Sacramento, and has been teaching young children for over 30 years. She is crazy about kids and passionate about their healthy social and emotional growth!

Karen Murray

Karen Murray

Karen Murray

Karen loves to learn and discover new things! She has been involved in education in various ways throughout her adult life. She has taught students in private schools from preschool through high school, as well as a homeschool mom of two sons. While her sons were growing up and being homeschooled, she moved into part-time involvement in church preschool programs. With her sons now productive adults, she is enjoying being back in the classroom teaching homeschool enrichment classes to TK aged students. 

Norm and David Frankenberger

Norm and David Frankenberger

Gameschooling – Using Games to Learn

Join SLAMBANGO! Math as we explore the idea of gameschooling and how games can be used to engage and excite kids in all areas of education. 

Norm and David Frankenberger

Norm and David are a father and son team who love math. Norm is a retired elementary school teacher and a current adult math teacher. David is the Director of Operational Analytics at a local health system. In the late 90’s, Norm started making a math game called SLAMBANGO! to help his students master their math facts. As he shared the game with his students and fellow teachers, the feedback was always overwhelmingly positive. Over the years, Norm made (by hand) and distributed 1000’s of these games. In early 2022, David and Norm launched their first two professionally printed decks of SLAMBANGO! and are excited to share them with the homeschooling community. 

Teaching Outside the Traditional BOX

Chris and Jennifier Androkitis

Chris and Jennifier Androkitis

Incorporating wholistic hands-on instruction

Whether you are new to homeschooling or a veteran, you as the parent know your child the best! Learn tools to guide your child’s interests and strengths to help them blossom into a more intentional and motivated learner. Join Hands in Motion for an informative talk on how to teach to your child’s strengths. We will share practical ways to utilize all of their senses, (tactile, visual, auditory, and emotional) and impart learning on a more personal and tangible level. For the older student, get concrete ways to incorporate various life skills and trades in order to hone in on your child’s interests and help direct them in the best educational path forward; whether that is going to a 4-year College, Jr. College, Skill/Trade School, or directly into the work force.

Chris and Jennifier Androkitis

As a married couple of over 30 years, we’ve always felt led towards teaching children, even before being blessed with four boys of our own. We finished college together focusing on teaching. As our boys reached school age, we faced the decision of whether to enroll our children in public school or to homeschool. After experiencing public education, through a college credential program, our decision was simple. But where and how to start was difficult. Desiring to have community for our family and to come along side other families in their educational journey, we set out to be a resource and a place of encouragement for not only the student, but for the family altogether. Hands in Motion was born. We have been involved in the homeschool community going on 20 years. Our focus is to empower, encourage, and strengthen parents and to provide interactive, hands-on academic and enrichment opportunities that encourage students to learn outside of the traditional box of learning and to recognize their full potential.

Christina Werner

Christina Werner

Purchase with a Purpose

Corporate America is Actively working to destroy the values we hold dear. The values that have made our country so special.  From vaxx mandates, cancel culture, censoring speech, indoctrination, social justice movement, paying for employees to leave their state to have an abortion….the list goes on. So what can 10s of millions of Americans do to make a difference?  Stop giving them our money. If a business does not respect your values and your God given freedoms, it’s time you take your money elsewhere.  PublicSq. is ready to equip you and show you how to “vote with your wallet.” We want to help the local businesses that are Pro-Life, Pro-Family, & Pro-Freedom in your community so they not only feel supported but they thrive!

Christina Werner

Christina was born and raised in Sonoma County, is the proud wife & mother of 2, loves her family & community, lives by Faith, and is fighting back against big tech, woke corporations and cancel-culture with an App and Website called  Public Square started where she lives now, in San Diego, CA and is now the Nation’s largest list of Patriotic businesses our country has ever seen. The app aims to connect Freedom-loving Americans with the like-minded businesses in their community.  She believes to change our country, we need to start in our own backyard.

Margie Hartung

Margie Hartung

Homeschooling in the Gaps

“Life” is God’s number one curriculum for both children and adults. In that life, formal education is part of the agenda. But sometimes life can get bumpy. Juggling schedules, new little additions, work schedules all add to the challenges to home education. In addition, unexpected tragedies and heavier difficulties can happen in any family without notice. How do we keep on keeping on when both the small and larger issues of life cause us to feel overwhelmed? This class will discuss how to weave the curriculum of life into homeschooling. How does a working mom homeschool? What about a post-
partum depression or even the death of a spouse. The speaker has dealt with these and other issues and can testify to how God has “worked in the gaps” and the hopeful promise in Romans that, “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose,” will fill in the gaps in all our circumstances.

Margie Hartung

Margie began her homeschooling mom career in 1984. She has homeschooled all of her five children and is now lending a hand with 15 beautiful grandchildren. She remembers deciding to homeschool when her first daughter drew a coloring page and she Knew at that moment she wanted to be a part of it all. At that time there was not a lot of help for parents and when the charters began in 1994 she was one of the first board members of Horizon Charter School. Charters have come a long way since then and now there are a plethora of both private homeschoolers and Charter school students creating an amazing generation of leaders. In addition to homeschooling, Margie Hartung is the Artistic Director of the Placer County Youth Orchestras and owner of 5 th Street Academy (Margie Hartung Music). 5 th Street teaches many classes in the area including Band, Strings, Theater, Musical History Drama, Choir, Dance, General Music, Art, Guitar, Rock Band, Learning through Music for Young Children, piano classes, history and private music lessons. For more information: http://www.5thstreetacademy 

Clare Bonn

Clare Bonn

Ideas Are Genius


This question is key to cultivating genius: ” What’s your big Idea?” When students care about their ideas, then the pencil will reflect this fact. The act of writing will not be boring. The simple truth is that, once a student develops the confidence to write an idea, the work of writing becomes an intrinsically valuable exercise.

Clare Bonn

Clare graduated from Cal State Long Beach with a BA in Sociology. She has worked for 22 years with school age children in childcare, recreational classes and classroom learning. She taught at Waterhouse Guild for 3 years utilizing Blackbird & Company materials. She believes every child’s voice should be heard, unique gifts valued, and learning differences embraced. Clare has three differently-abled children who all learned to tap into their giftedness through writing using Blackbird & Company curriculum. You can find Clare most of the time in her garden or reading a good book.

Kaitlin Mitchell

Kaitlin Mitchell

Let's Get Growing!

You don’t need a green thumb or a glorious plot of land to grow! Rutabaga Education’s workshop will explain how to easily incorporate garden-based science, nutrition, and nature into your children’s weekly lessons. This outdoor education method benefits physical and mental health. It allows children to learn with all their senses while reinforcing other subject areas, such as math, history, science, and language arts. Learn about the Rutabaga Education Curriculum and how to maximize your time and space!

Kaitlin Mitchell

Kaitlin is a mother to two busy boys, who spent seven years as a School Garden Coordinator and eight years as a Classroom Educator. She used her professional background, education, and love of home and community gardening to create the Rutabaga Education Curriculum. The lessons and activities within the program promote life-long skills, healthy habits, and environmental consciousness. She aims to help schools, organizations, and families learn how to incorporate this type of hands-on cross-curricular outdoor learning into their weekly lessons.

Julie Powell

Julie Powell

Motivation, Empowerment, and Student Engagement

Do you ever feel the challenge of filling the role of both parent and educator in your homeschool environment? Do you and your child struggle to get your academic day started or to complete challenging assignments? In this breakout session, we will discuss the science behind motivation and the key factors to successful student engagement, whether your child is GATE, Twice-Exceptional, or has an IEP.

Julie Powell

Julie has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana and an Master of Arts degree in Communication from Stanford University. She has taught in a variety of learning environments over the past 27 years. In the classroom, Julie partnered with a veteran special education teacher to create a unique and enriching community of 5th and 6th-grade learners, many of whom had an IEP, were second language learners, and/or were identified as academically successful and/or GATE students. She also spent 13 years as an outdoor educator and program director in Coloma, California. Julie has spent the last three years working with homeschool students as a parent-educator of her two children, supervising teacher, and currently as an administrator with Horizon Charter Schools primarily working with students in grades 3 through 12. Listening to her staff and students share their stories, struggles, hopes, and dreams is what brings her joy each and every day.

Julie Snyder

Julie Snyder

How to Help Struggling Writers:

It is Never Too Late No matter the age, difficulties, or resistance of a student, our goal is to encourage parents and students alike that it is possible to learn to write well written, well articulated compositions. Even students in upper high school or adult years find success in this process. Often, we find that breaking down the writing process into manageable steps allows a writer to focus on “the next right thing to do.” This session helps parents see why these steps matter, and how we (or they) may guide a student in learning each step well. We believe every person can find success in this process! Time and again, students have learned not only how to write in our program, but also how to truly develop their own voice as a communicator.

Julie Snyder

Julie Snyder has been working with The Write Journey for nearly 7 years, and is the Educational Director. She currently trains the teaching staff and also teaches upper level students and adults. Raising her daughter that deals with serious medical issues and special needs gives Julie a unique perspective in education. Her passion remains helping families incorporate realistic goals, healthy patterns, and excellent skills to tackle any writing issues or concerns their students face. As a true advocate for students, Julie delights in the success of every pupil, especially in seemingly impossible challenges. Whether the concerns include a resistance to sitting down to complete the work, struggling to articulate perspectives, comprehending complex prompts, or combating the lack of self esteem, Julie enjoys the challenge of finding manageable solutions. Julie ultimately knows that given the proper tools for a writer’s toolbox, and instruction to utilize each tool effectively, absolutely every student, no matter the age or need, is capable of becoming an excellent writer!

Anna Cunningham

Anna Cunningham


Burnt out? Feeling like you’re failing your kids?Can’t seem to stop the rat race, but want to? Asking yourself, “Am I enough?” You are not alone! Come gather with others like yourself and receive hope & encouragement. Take home some practical tools that will help you build peace in your home and enable you to enjoy the journey and maybe even laugh along the way!

Anna Cunningham:

Anna a mama of 4, and second generation homeschooler, having been homeschooled herself from Kinder all the way through high school graduation. She schools from an eclectic and unhurried approach and believes that doing things from a place of rest fosters an environment in which her relationships with her children will flourish. She considers herself a recovering perfectionist and yet wholeheartedly leans on Jesus – the only One who is perfect.

Margie Hartung

Margie Hartung

Homeschooling in the Gaps

“Life” is God’s number one curriculum for both children and adults. In that life, formal education is part of the agenda. But sometimes life can get bumpy. Juggling schedules, new little additions, work schedules all add to the challenges to home education. In addition, unexpected tragedies and heavier difficulties can happen in any family without notice. How do we keep on keeping on when both the small and larger issues of life cause us to feel overwhelmed? This class will discuss how to weave the curriculum of life into homeschooling. How does a working mom homeschool? What about a post-
partum depression or even the death of a spouse. The speaker has dealt with these and other issues and can testify to how God has “worked in the gaps” and the hopeful promise in Romans that, “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose,” will fill in the gaps in all our circumstances.

Margie Hartung

Margie began her homeschooling mom career in 1984. She has homeschooled all of her five children and is now lending a hand with 15 beautiful grandchildren. She remembers deciding to homeschool when her first daughter drew a coloring page and she Knew at that moment she wanted to be a part of it all. At that time there was not a lot of help for parents and when the charters began in 1994 she was one of the first board members of Horizon Charter School. Charters have come a long way since then and now there are a plethora of both private homeschoolers and Charter school students creating an amazing generation of leaders. In addition to homeschooling, Margie Hartung is the Artistic Director of the Placer County Youth Orchestras and owner of 5 th Street Academy (Margie Hartung Music). 5 th Street teaches many classes in the area including Band, Strings, Theater, Musical History Drama, Choir, Dance, General Music, Art, Guitar, Rock Band, Learning through Music for Young Children, piano classes, history and private music lessons. For more information: http://www.5thstreetacademy 

Margie Hartung

Margie Hartung

Homeschooling in the Gaps

“Life” is God’s number one curriculum for both children and adults. In that life, formal education is part of the agenda. But sometimes life can get bumpy. Juggling schedules, new little additions, work schedules all add to the challenges to home education. In addition, unexpected tragedies and heavier difficulties can happen in any family without notice. How do we keep on keeping on when both the small and larger issues of life cause us to feel overwhelmed? This class will discuss how to weave the curriculum of life into homeschooling. How does a working mom homeschool? What about a post-
partum depression or even the death of a spouse. The speaker has dealt with these and other issues and can testify to how God has “worked in the gaps” and the hopeful promise in Romans that, “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose,” will fill in the gaps in all our circumstances.

Margie Hartung

Margie began her homeschooling mom career in 1984. She has homeschooled all of her five children and is now lending a hand with 15 beautiful grandchildren. She remembers deciding to homeschool when her first daughter drew a coloring page and she Knew at that moment she wanted to be a part of it all. At that time there was not a lot of help for parents and when the charters began in 1994 she was one of the first board members of Horizon Charter School. Charters have come a long way since then and now there are a plethora of both private homeschoolers and Charter school students creating an amazing generation of leaders. In addition to homeschooling, Margie Hartung is the Artistic Director of the Placer County Youth Orchestras and owner of 5 th Street Academy (Margie Hartung Music). 5 th Street teaches many classes in the area including Band, Strings, Theater, Musical History Drama, Choir, Dance, General Music, Art, Guitar, Rock Band, Learning through Music for Young Children, piano classes, history and private music lessons. For more information: http://www.5thstreetacademy 

Leanne Engel, MA

Leanne Engel, MA

Special Education: Navigating SST’s, IEP’s and 504’s

Navigating SST’s, IEP’s and 504’s can be challenging for parents. Learn the differences between the Special Education terminology and designations. Knowing your child’s learning style and choosing the right curriculum can further help them learn successfully. Discover ideas and resources available to meet needs for your special education students; in charter schools and privately. Gain confidence in your ability to successfully homeschool your special education student!

Leanne Engel, MA

Over the past 35 years, Leanne has worked with K-12 gifted and special needs students in the classroom, in a Title 1 learning lab, as a homeschool mom and teacher, created and directed a multi-age K-8 hybrid program, and has trained many parents, aides, and teachers. Her 25 years of homeschooling her 6 children (graduated 5) has given her experience with a variety of curriculums, pedagogies, and educational approaches to ensure success with a variety of learners. She currently runs “Classical Scholar Academy”, a satellite program, teaches small group classes, and oversees homeschool programs for private homeschoolers.

Two of her own children have special needs and she is experienced in navigating IEP and 504 meetings within the traditional and charter school systems as a parent and teacher. She is a parent advocate and helps equip parents with knowledge and tools they need to become a confident partner with their children’s learning team.

Leanne is a popular and often requested homeschool teacher, trainer, and speaker. In her spare time, Leanne loves to hike, ride bikes, watch her kids and 9 grandkids dance and play soccer, and travel with friends and family.

You can't give what you don't have

When many mamas begin homeschooling their hearts desire is that their children would know and love God and love others.But we can often become so busy and distracted, so weary and discouraged that we are trying to “fill their cups” while ours remain empty. I would love to share with you in this session the invitation of Jesus to”Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden… I will give you rest.. learn from Me.
” Thankfully we still have much to learn and He is a patient teacher!

the 10 things I wish I'd known when I started homeschooling.

After 28 years of homeschooling I look back and see so much more clearly the things that brought life to me and my children, the things that really mattered, and the things that brought us all weariness, the things that I thought were so important that really didn’t matter.

I would love to share with you what the Lord has shown me to be His highest priority for you as mamas and for your children.He invites us to experience His yoke that is truly “easy and light.”

Beverly Bradley – Beverly is a mother of 6 grown children, whom she homeschooled for 27 years, disciples wives and mothers according to Titus 2:4-5. She is a powerful communicator, and a popular keynote speaker at women’s gatherings. Committed to teaching the Word of God without compromise, she speaks with sensitivity, humor, and biblical wisdom in addressing issues related to motherhood, marriage, and homeschooling. Her transparent style leaves her listeners encouraged and hopeful in their walks with Jesus. Many, in fact, have described Bev’s ministry as “absolutely life-changing.”

Raising a BRAVE Generation

This workshop will equip parents to raise their children to be BRAVE. That is to be Bold, Reliable, Above and Beyond, Vigilant, and Excellent.


Cooper Bell is a retired college athlete, a follower of Jesus Christ and recently engaged. Cooper works alongside BRAVE books and their authors to build up a new BRAVE generation. He planned the logistics for the Kirk Cameron library tour, has done events with Kash Patel and Dinesh D’Souza, and travles across the country to provide the necessary resources for parents to equip their children for the ideologies they will encounter. 



  1. The Sky’s the Limit: Explore being a Pilot for a day- Jeff Crandall, US Army, Chief Warrant Officer 5, Retired  Did you realize being a Pilot is an in-demand and lucrative career? Students in high school may explore this career and hear about a fabulous opportunity to try it out for a day by participating in a half hour flight talk, go to an Aviation Simulation Lab (at Jessup University) and you’ll get the chance to fly in a real airplane (FREE, but you’ll need to sign up to complete on a different day)

  2. Fast Track- Justin Halverson, Admissions Counselor and Tina Peterson, Registrar Explore how high school students can earn an associate degree while completing college and receive high school credit at a discounted rate at Jessup University.

  3. The Brand of You: Developing a Strong Personal Brand that Resonates-Hannah Weidner, Jessup student and Jesse Uhmeh, Jessup University Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications In this day and age, it is critical to craft your personal brand strategically and build ones that helps advance your life and future career, especially on LinkedIn and social media.

  4. Homeschool to college success- Brandon Farmer, Jessup University Director of Student Life and Residence Life and Housing Tips for success in transitioning into college life

  5. The 10 Attitudes of an entrepreneur – The 10 attitudes of an entrepreneur allow each participant moms, dads and young people to
    discover what an entrepreneur is and how to be one. Often times the entrepreneur inside us is not allowed to come out simply because we do not relate to ourselves as an entrepreneur. During this session, participants will begin their journey of living the life of an entrepreneur now and not waiting for a college degree or some great business opportunity. Being an entrepreneur is much more than owning a business. Most entrepreneurs are business owners, but being an entrepreneur is for anyone who is up to something big in their life whether owning a business or not. It is a mindset and lifestyle.

  6.  Goal Setting – A Family Event!
    Goal setting is often thought of as a great idea and something everyone needs to do but we rarely do it and when we do, we usually lose track of the goal along the way. In this workshop, goals are brought to life through creation and conversation. Everyone participating will create a goal and a visual display for that goal during the workshop. This process can be done with family members over and over again as well as with other homeschool groups as activities. The process is created in a fun and fast paced style with everyone having an opportunity to create
    and share their goal that will leave each participant inspired by their goal and by the goals of others. Every year participants from previous workshops come back to share how they accomplished the goal they created from their past attendance.

  7. Making Your Test Scores Soar! 
    Mr. D Math programs are known by our students and families as test-prep friendly! This is a hands-on workshop giving those attending simple strategies for any testing situation. Learn Mr. D’s easy to follow 2-step method for test taking. The focus will be on math and reading comprehension standardized tests. Get ready for some fun. Yes, test taking can be fun! 

Carrie De Francisco​

Carrie De Francisco​

Carrie De Francisco

Carrie De Francisco is a wife and “retired” homeschooling mom of two homeschool graduates living and learning in Southern CA. She is the host of the popular podcast, Coffee With Carrie Homeschool Help, speaker, author of several books including, Just Breathe (and Take a Sip of Coffee): Homeschool in Step with God, and a Wild + Free contributor. Through her consulting services, books, blog articles, and podcast, she helps moms simplify their homeschooling one step at a time, one day at a time, and one cup of coffee at a time. Carrie is an out-of-the-box thinker which is probably why she was an outside-of-the-curriculum-box homeschooler. She can be found drinking her favorite latte, walking in nature, reading her Bible, cooking a batch of homemade beignets, and laughing at herself (and crazy ideas).

Connect with Carrie at, on IG @coffeewithcarrieconsultant or by email at


Homeschooling high school is easier than you think. The key to successfully homeschooling high school is to start with the end in mind. It is never too early to start praying about high school and looking ahead. In this session, Carrie explains what is required, gives tips on meeting those requirements in creative ways, and encourages the most fearful moms that homeschooling through high school is not only doable but can be enjoyable too!


In this session, Carrie shares how to:

  • Use the high school years to discern God’s purpose and plan for your teen’s life
  • Design a 4-Year Plan for High School
  • Create transcripts & how to determine high school credit
  • Meet state graduation requirements in both traditional and non-traditional ways
  • Capitalize on the freedom and flexibility of homeschooling high school
  • Prepare for college admissions for the college-bound teen
  • Include AP, CLEP, Honors, & Community College Dual Enrollment,
  • and more…


Come with your fears, challenges, and questions.  The best part is the Q & A Session at the end. 


Gameschooling… Yes, it’s a thing! Gameschooling is also a great way to homeschool too. Play is the work of childhood so don’t skip playing games in your homeschooling. Did you know it takes over 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain and to learn something new, yet when playing games it only takes 10-20 repetitions?  Come learn  how to put the FUN back into learning the FUNdamentals.


In this session, Carrie shares:

  • why it is beneficial to incorporate games into your lessons,
  • the hidden blessings of gameschooling,
  • easy ways to include more games in your lessons,
  • tons of game recommendations for all subjects and grade levels
  • ways to collect games without breaking your budget,
  • and most importantly how to get started.


The best part is the Q & A Session at the end. 


Am I enough? Are the kids doing enough? At some point, every homeschool mom asks these questions.. Yes, You are enough! In this session, Carrie calms your fears about not being enough, gives practical insight on what to do when you don’t feel your children are not doing enough, how to remove the FOMO, and shares how to do less in order to accomplish more. Learn how to remove the chaos and overscheduled calendars.  You can simplify your life, your home, and your homeschooling while focusing on what is truly important, having fun, and creating lasting memories.

Jennifer Pepito

Jennifer Pepito

Jennifer Pepito

Jennifer Pepito is a homeschool mom of 26 years, host of the Restoration Home podcast, and the founder of The Peaceful Press, a company committed to providing families with curriculum that promotes connection between parents and children. Her efforts to give her own seven children a Charlotte Mason-inspired education led her to create an affordable and life giving curriculum for others. Her resources have been used by thousands of families and earn rave reviews. Jennifer’s writing has been featured in several online and print journals, including Wild and Free, Commonplace Quarterly, and Home Educating Family. She also speaks at conferences and retreats, including the Wild and Free conference, Christian Home Educators Association, Teach Diligently, and Rooted Home. | | @thepeacefulpress

Habits for a Sacred Home

In this session, Jennifer will share nine practices from history that can anchor and restore modern families. The same principles that saved civilization during the Dark Ages can be applied to our homes to help create islands of virtue in the midst of a chaotic time.

Homeschooling With Insight

In this workshop we will discover how taking the time to identify your own personality style and that of your children, as well as evaluating your child’s developmental readiness, can make your homeschool rhythm more simple, effective, and peaceful. Many homeschool days are

disrupted when we assume that our children will relate to the world in the same way that we do. When we homeschool with insight, we can formulate a daily, weekly, and yearly rhythm that honors the individuality of each of our children, and works to bring out the best in each one of


Josh Manley

Josh Manley

Josh Manley

Josh Manley is a best-selling author, professor, and entrepreneur with a passion for teaching technical skills. He served as the education director of a large regional workshop, hosted a TED Talk with millions of views, and published 2 scientific papers. He currently runs teaching 3D design and 3D printing to students all over the world. He loves helping people bring their creativity to life!

From Home to High-Tech: Equipping Kids for Success in Technical Fields

Does your kid want to build rockets, invent medicines, or create the next great artificial intelligence app? How do you help set them up for success in fields where you may not have the expertise needed? Helping kids learn technical skills at home is rewarding but challenging. In this presentation, Josh Manley, founder of the online 3D school talks about how you can position your students to succeed in these deeply technical fields, helping them take charge of their own destiny and bring their ideas to life!  

Teaching Children with Special Needs

Are you confused about what to teach, how to teach it, and what to expect at what age? Children with special needs, whether they be physical, psychological, developmental or some combination of the above, can still learn and do amazing things with a dedicated parent to guide and encourage them.
In addition to more obvious physical special needs, children are now labeled with a confusing array of “alphabet soup” diagnoses that can be more mystifying than enlightening. Although the strategies employed will be different for each child, there are certain universal principles that apply to all children with learning delays, problems and obstacles. Carolyn will share these principles along with a variety of ideas, techniques and resources she has collected over the years.

Speaker: Carolyn Forte

Dr. Homeschool

A new favorite among homeschool parents attending conferences. Listen in as Dr. Homeschool and his nurse discuss various “homeschool ailments.” Some examples of our cases include: Mrs. Athome, Mrs. Testall, Mrs. Ontask, Mrs. Nofyre and Mrs. Oldenfirm. Laugh and learn as we discuss the symptoms of: inflammation of the in-laws, edema of the curriculum and many other common symptoms. For every case we provide the symptoms, identification of the illness, and of course the prescription to cure the problem. The audience is guaranteed a good time while learning and laughing. Audience participation is encouraged.

Speakers: Martin Forte, Carolyn Forte

Learning Styles: The Secret to a Successful Homeschool Journey

Any parent with more than one child understands that children are all different and the way they learn often differs greatly too. Understanding your child’s learning style can make an enormous difference to your homeschool. We go beyond the usual auditory, visual & kinesthetic model to include your child’s learning disposition, preferred learning environment, talents and interests. All of these factors combine to form your child’s unique learning style or as we like to put it, “the super highway to your child’s brain.” Learn how to use this knowledge to promote your child’s educational success.

Speaker: Martin Forte

Martin and Carolyn Forte

Martin and Carolyn Forte

Martin and Carolyn Forte

Martin and Carolyn Forte are the founders and owners of Excellence in Education (EIE) ISP and Resource Center in Monrovia, California, a suburb of Los Angeles.  For over 25 years, they have been involved in homeschooling.

Carolyn is a former classroom teacher and the mother of two grown homeschooled daughters. She has developed a complete curriculum using only games that is gaining popularity with homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers alike, as it functions beautifully as a supplement to other materials or as a stand-alone teaching program.

Martin has served on the board of the California Homeschool Network and has written extensively about the basic rights of parents to teach their children. He was heavily involved with homeschooling the couple’s grown daughters and has a unique vantage point, owning and operating EIE on a daily basis, with Carolyn. Both of the Fortes have much insight to offer parents who have questions and/or concerns about their own homeschooling experience.

Nature Deficit Disorder – Causes, Consequences, and Cures

Nature deficit disorder refers to the costs of alienation from nature, including diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties, and higher rates of physical and emotional imbalances. It affects individuals, families, and communities. Because homeschoolers strive to provide the best education for their children, they should not overlook the importance of sufficient time in a natural environment—an essential component of raising children in an environment saturated with goodness, truth, and beauty.

The Three Best Things I Did as a Homeschool Dad

While there are many, many things I could have done better as a homeschool father, there are three distinct things that I did try to do as consistently as possible during our years of homeschooling that were the most helpful according to my wife. Join me to discover the three best things I did and to glean some ideas for making your homeschool years the best they can be. Moms are welcome as well!

Andrew Pudewa​

Andrew Pudewa​

Andrew Pudewa

Andrew Pudewa is the founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing. Presenting around the world, he addresses issues relating to teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and music with clarity, insight, practical experience, and humor. His seminars for parents, students, and teachers have helped transform many a reluctant writer and have equipped educators with powerful tools to dramatically improve students’ skills. Although he is a graduate of the Talent Education Institute in Japan (Suzuki Method) and holds a Certificate of Child Brain Development, his best endorsement is from a young Alaskan boy who called him “the funny man with the wonderful words.” He and his beautiful, heroic wife, Robin, have homeschooled their seven children and are now proud grandparents of fifteen, making their home in northeastern Oklahoma’s beautiful green country.

Jenny Steele

Jenny Steele

Shorten Your Homeschool Day

Why should homeschool lessons be short, and is it even possible? In addition to speaking to her experience of balancing a full time job, raising her four kids (including a baby!), and homeschooling, Jenny will share practical tips on how to maximize your homeschool time, in order to keep lessons as short and as productive as possible.

Jenny Steele

Jenny is a wife and homeschool mom to four girls, who does her best to balance working full-time from home as well as contributing to her homeschool YouTube channel Kids Learning for Life with her sister-in-law Stacey. She is an avid reader, and loves homeschooling her kids using inspiration from the Charlotte Mason method Jenny lives on five hilly acres of land with her husband, kids, and many animals, and she is passionate about making homeschool accessible to everyone.

How To Create a Unit Study:

Have you ever wondered about how to incorporate unit studies into your homeschool? In this interactive workshop, attendees will learn what unit studies are and how to use them in their homeschool. We will walk through how to create a unit study based on any topic to fit the needs of any group.

Stacey Lewis​

Stacey Lewis​

Stacey Lewis

Stacey is a wife and mother to her three school-aged boys. Stacey works mostly from home and is entering her seventh year teaching at a local California charter school helping families from all different backgrounds and homeschooling methods create their ideal homeschool.

Stacey has always had a passion for creating curriculum (especially unit studies) and started making and sharing her own preschool and toddler curriculum when she ran an in-home daycare. In 2020 she created the Kids Learning for Life YouTube channel with her sister-in-law, Jenny, to help give advice to the growing homeschool community. Kids Learning for Life has now launched their Film Unit Studies curriculum as a fun way for families to combine film and learning!

Homeschool Unburdened: Outsource strategically to optimize your journey

Yes, homeschooling is a full time job, with dozens of responsibilities. And it is a worthy one. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept being overburdened and overwhelmed. In fact, your homeschool will suffer for it if you do. Instead, fight for the vision God has given you. Join me for a hyper-focused workshop that will give you refreshing clarity AND a tangible plan for how to unburden your homeschool journey. You and your children will be so glad you did.

Food Science equals Kitchen and Homeschool Success:

Dale Cox is the creator of Edible Knowledge branded experiment-based print and self-paced Food Science and Physics courses.  In this workshop he will explain the benefits of learning Food Science principles and simple Newtonian Physics and how that knowledge can impact student’s lives.  Food science explains all the “why’s” we see in the kitchen, helps improve cooking skills, keeps you safe and healthy, saves money, and can even be a lucrative career path.  Dale will share some interesting stories about his 23-year career as a professional food scientist developing new food products and fixing food production lines throughout the world.

Rutabaga Gardening

Rutabaga Gardening

Rutabaga Gardening

Rutabaga Gardening is the passion project of Kaitlin Mitchell, a former elementary school educator with a master’s degree in Cross-Cultural Education who San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles magazine describes as “an edible gardening evangelist.”

In development since 2015, Rutabaga has worked with schools, teachers, parents, families, homeschools, local nurseries, occupational therapists, and agriculture and garden clubs. We aim to provide structure, teaching standards, and exciting tools for all ages and abilities to be curious and successful in gardening, science, nature, and nutrition to develop lifelong healthy habits personally, in their community, and on the planet.

The Rutabaga Education Curriculum was launched in 2019 and consists of 9 books scaffolded and organized by season for ages 4+. 

Rutabaga Garden Tools were launched in November 2023, created with an earth-friendly conscience, and designed for adults and kids to comfortably “dig in” to gardening!

Yes - You DO Have a Green Thumb!

Meet Kaitlin and learn some tips and tricks to grow your fruit and vegetable garden this fall. Whether you’re brand new to “digging in” or are a “seasoned” gardener, you’ll get an opportunity to learn from an urban gardener who uses her growing spaces to incorporate multi-curricular learning with children. 

Topics covered include seasonal planting, companion planting, seed starting for germination success, transplanting seedlings, macro and micronutrients for your plants, watering tips, and some kid-friendly recipes to encourage healthy habits!

Parts of the class will involve hands-on activities, so be ready to get them dirty.

“Let’s get growing. I’ll see you there!” ~ Kaitlin

Nicole Thomas

Nicole Thomas

Nicole Thomas

Nicole Thomas: Ask a homeschool parent to list their biggest obstacles, and “teaching math” will probably appear close to the top of that list. In response to this concern, Nicole Thomas created Nicole the Math Lady which serves tens of thousands each day of students each day. Nicole has not only created an educational website but a family environment where children and parents share the common belief that when education is fun, there are no limits to what a child can learn. Nicole holds Bachelors’ Degrees in Economics and Psychology from Stanford University and resides in Orlando, Florida with her family.

Do What You Do Best and Outsource the Rest!

Believe it or not, you don’t have to teach everything yourself when you homeschool. You can teach what you are passionate
about and find help in other subjects to do the same. Come learn how to determine the qualities you want in your teaching team, where to look for help (free and paid), and how to manage it all to ensure you’re getting the results you want.

Math Gaps— How to Find Them and Fill Them Up!

What do I do if I know my kid has math gaps? – Math is a subject your student is going to need to take every year. Math gaps can not only frustrate students and impact their daily math work, but they can also be detrimental to a student’s overall school success. Come learn how to identify whether your kid has math gaps and then learn how to fill those gaps.

Shorten Your Homeschool Day

Why should homeschool lessons be short, and is it even possible? In addition to speaking to her experience of balancing a full time job, raising her four kids (including a baby!), and homeschooling, Jenny will share practical tips on how to maximize your homeschool time, in order to keep lessons as short and as productive as possible.

How To Create a Unit Study:

Have you ever wondered about how to incorporate unit studies into your homeschool? In this interactive workshop, attendees will learn what unit studies are and how to use them in their homeschool. We will walk through how to create a unit study based on any topic to fit the needs of any group.




Stacey is a wife and mother to her three school-aged boys. Stacey works mostly from home and is entering her seventh year teaching at a local California charter school helping families from all different backgrounds and homeschooling methods create their ideal homeschool. Stacey has always had a passion for creating curriculum (especially unit studies) and started making and sharing her own preschool and toddler curriculum when she ran an in-home daycare. In 2020 she created the Kids Learning for Life YouTube channel with her sister-in-law, Jenny, to help give advice to the growing homeschool community. Kids Learning for Life has now launched their Film Unit Studies curriculum as a fun way for families to combine film and learning!

Homeschool Unburdened: Outsource strategically to optimize your journey

Yes, homeschooling is a full time job, with dozens of responsibilities. And it is a worthy one. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept being overburdened and overwhelmed. In fact, your homeschool will suffer for it if you do. Instead, fight for the vision God has given you. Join me for a hyper-focused workshop that will give you refreshing clarity AND a tangible plan for how to unburden your homeschool journey. You and your children will be so glad you did.



Jamie Phillips

Jamie Phillips –  A wife to her high school sweetheart, homeschool mom to 5 young sons, co-owner of Humble Heart Press, co-director of a Charlotte Mason/Classical community, and she recently developed a new K-3 class called “F.E.A.S.T – Fun with engineering, arithmetic, sports and teamwork.” Phew. Before all that, she was a lower-middle class public school kid that graduated U.C Berkeley with a B.A. in Media Studies/Mass Communication, got a “good” job, and then wondered what it was all for. For Jamie, homeschooling represents freedom to live life aligned closely with my values, the redemption of education and family, and most importantly, fertile ground for Kingdom work. Lets do it!

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